Northbridge Public School Band

Music and Band
Northbridge Public School has a strong music program for all students K to 6, with our own full-time, specialist music teacher. All students have a weekly lesson during which they learn a variety of musical skills, including singing, playing instruments, listening and composing. The specialist music room is equipped with a range of unpitched percussion instruments, as well as a full class set of ukuleles, a marimba and several xylophones and metallophones.
Students perform in their classes and year groups at several events through the year, including Grandfriends’ Day, Education Week, and an end of year concert. All students in years 3 and 4 participate in an annual school musical that is learned in class time.
We have two school bands: a training band for beginner students and the senior band for more experienced students. We run a band camp every year, with two intensive days away for all band members, followed by a concert.
Sydney Academy of Chess run professional chess lessons before school each term for a small charge. We also send teams to competitions throughout the year.
At the beginning of the year, students in Year 5 and 6 are invited to audition for the arts alive choir. This select group of students perform throughout the year at events such as assemblies, open day and end of year concerts. The choir also participates in an arts alive choral concert, alongside over 500 other students from schools across Sydney's north. The students perform at the Sydney Town Hall in front of a packed house and have the opportunity to perform with a high school big band. The students make a year long commitment to choir and rehearse every Thursday lunch time. They learn difficult songs in both soprano and alto parts.
Students in Years 5 & 6 can audition to be part of school dance groups to perform in the Sydney North Dance Festival held at Glenn Street Theatre in Term 2. Students are also provided with opportunities to perform their dance at other school events.
The Premier's Debating Challenge is open to all NSW government schools, with the aim of developing the public speaking and reasoning skills of students from Years 5 to 12. The Premier's Debating Challenge runs from April to November, with the zone debates completed by the end of June. Students who are involved will commence preparation and training in Term 1.
At Northbridge Public School the carnivals we hold throughout the year are as follows:
- A Swimming Carnival is held during Term 1 for students aged 8 years and over.
- A Cross Country Carnival is held in Term 2 for students aged 8 years and over.
- An Athletics Carnival is held in Term 3 for students aged 8 years and over.
- K-2 students are involved in a separate carnival of novelty events and running races.
School representatives are selected from all the carnivals to participate in the Zone events. Success at Zone level qualifies for Regional representation.
Class sporting programs
Throughout the year classes participate in a variety of sporting programs conducted by external providers. These include specific sports skills, gymnastics and dance.
Primary School Sports Association (PSSA)
Students are required to wear their sports uniform on their sports day and on other week days for physical education lessons timetabled by the class teacher.
Students participate in a wide range of sporting activities. Years 4, 5 and 6 play Australian Football League (AFL), netball and soccer in the North Shore Zone primary school sports association competition.
All students are involved in skills development for many sports including cricket, T-Ball, AFL, tennis, swimming, gymnastics and athletics.
School houses and house colours
At Northbridge Public School our school houses and house colours are as follows:
- Barton (green)
- Hume (yellow)
- Parkes (blue)
- Sturt (red)
FlipSport Gymnastics
We engage FlipSport, a privately run sporting institution, to teach a weekly gymnastics class to each class during Term 1 every year.
This is delivered using exceptional equipment, intelligent lesson formatting and outstanding coach instruction. Each child is encouraged to develop a diverse range of skills, increasing their desire (and ability) to persue new sporting experiences. Students are empowered with the necessary knowledge, strength, flexibility and skills to success - while improving fitness levels.
SportsPro sports education and coaching professionals are engaged to come to the school in terms 2, 3 and 4 to run a tailored sports program over weekly classes to suit all stages.
K-2 participate in a Fundamental Movement Skills program, enjoying structured sports education lessons that identify and develop skills in students through skill specific activities and modified sports games.
All lessons incorporate locomotion and movement awareness, body awareness, spatial awareness and Fine and Gross motor skills and expose students to a vast array of traditional and modified sports equipment.
The Sportspro 3 – 6 Athletics Program develops the skills and techniques relating to the primary disciplines of track and field while increasing students' abilities to perform these disciplines at a high standard, in the lead up to the school Athletics Carnival.
Athletic disciplines include:
Shot Put
Long Jump
High Jump
The lessons incorporate specific demonstration, instruction and performance feedback while students practise and perform each discipline.